Looking for people to read the Bible with
There is a ten-year-old girl in a Cape Town school who does Discovery Bible Study at lunchtime with her friends. She's been making disciples since she was eight.
Celsus, a second-century Greek philosopher, alleged that Christianity was the faith of uneducated slaves, women and children. He complained it was spread from house to house “by wool workers, cobblers, laundry workers, and the most illiterate and bucolic yokels” who claimed that they alone knew the right way to live.
Movements mobilise everyone. They are spread by insiders. They are contagious. They employ simple but profound methods. They are fuelled by commitment and passion.
Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is the key ingredient in multiplying movements. DBS is at the centre of evangelism, discipleship, leadership development and healthy church formation.
We're not talking about a tool or a program or model. We're talking about God's living Word. We're letting the Word do the work.
Whenever people gather to read the Scriptures and learn how to obey, God is powerfully present. In Acts, the Word spreads, grows, and multiplies, and wherever the Word goes, the fruit is multiplying disciples and churches.
The video above is a simple introduction to Discover Bible Study by our good friends at Beyond.
How do you get started? Ask someone. Say, "I'm looking to read the Bible with someone. Would you be interested?" Keep asking until you find someone who says yes.