Academic Papers on Movements
Addison, Stephen. The Continuing Ministry of the Apostle in the Church's Mission, (1995).
Carlton, Richard Bruce. An Analysis of the Impact of the Non-Residental/Strategy Coordinator's Role in Southern Baptist Missiology (2006).
Earle, Roan Paul Alexander. Making Missional and Multiplying Disciples (2017).
Friedman, Francis Damon. Critical Factors that Ignite a Missions Movement (2017).
Fowlkes, Dane Winstead, Developing a Church Planting Movement in India (2004).
Gordy, J., A System Dynamics Perspective on the Sustainability of Church Planting Movements in North India (2015).
Handy, Wesley L., Correlating the Nevius Method with Church Planting Movements: Early Korean Revivals as a Case Study (2012).
Jah, Lawrence B., Best practices of Church planting: A Case Study of ECWA and Other Churches in the West Coast Region of The Gambia (2018).
Johnson, Andrew, If I Give My Soul Faith Behind Bars in Rio de Janeiro (2012).
Lafferty, J. Todd, Developing Pastors and Teachers Within the Fivefold Framework of Ephesians 4:11 to Sustain Church Planting Movements. D.Miss. Diss. Malaysian Baptist Theological Seminary (Nov. 2020).
Miller, Matthew, The Role of Outside Leaders in Disciple Making Movements in East Africa (2015).
Schattner, Frank Walter, Sustainability within Church Planting Movements in East Asia (2013).
Smith, Stephen Robert, An Evaluation of Training for Trainers (T4T) as an Aid for Developing Sustained Church Planting Movements (2014).
Snodgrass, Jesse, To Teach Others Also: An Apostolic Approach to Theological Education in Pioneer Missions. Phd. Diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Dec. 2017).
White, Justin, Recovering Jesusβ Approach to Missionary Training for 21st Century Sending, Phd. Diss., Columbia International University (May, 2021).